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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Building a new Adapter using .NET

    I am new to using ligtstreamer. I have a requirement to connect to read data off TIBCO EMS. Following the example in C:\tibco\ams\1.1\DOCS-SDKs\sdk_adapter_java\examples\StockListDemo_JMS_D ataAdapter\src_adapter\com\lightstreamer\adapters\ stocklist_jms\, I am trying to build a new adapter. I need some help.

    Let me give a step by step implementation of what I have done. Please tell me where I am going wrong.

    1) I create a new classlibrary project called LSAdapters.
    2) To this I add a class DatawareAdapter.vb
    3) I have included the code, I have used.Basically I am adding it to Namespace Test.Lightstreamer.Adapters
    4) The code compiles fine. It creates a LSAdapters.dll
    5) I create a directory called DatawareAdapter under ams install directory (C:\tibco\ams\1.1\adapters). i create a folder called lib and copy all the dlls from my bin folder to lib directory.
    6) I created a new adapter.xml which is as follows.
    7) When i start the service , it is giving me aclass not found error . What am I doing wrong?

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Test.Lightstreamer.Adapters.DatawareAdapter
    at$ 200)
    at Method)
    at ava:188)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 06)
    at com.lightstreamer.a.p.loadClass(
    at com.lightstreamer.f.o.a(
    at com.lightstreamer.f.o.a(
    at com.lightstreamer.f.o.a(
    at com.lightstreamer.f.m.a(
    at com.lightstreamer.f.m.a(
    at com.lightstreamer.LS.main(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Native
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(De
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <adapters_conf id="DWEMS">

    <adapter_class>com.lightstreamer.adapters.metadata .LiteralBasedProvider</adapter_class>

    <adapter_class>Test.Lightstreamer.Adapters.Datawar eAdapter</adapter_class>
    <param name="loggerName">c:\temp\StatusLog.txt</param>
    <param name="msgPoolSize">15</param>
    <param name="recoveryPauseMillis">2000</param>

    <!--EMS example configuration -->
    <param name="jmsUrl">tcp://xxxx:7222</param>
    <param name="initialContextFactory">com.tibco.tibjms.nami ng.TibjmsInitialContextFactory</param>
    <param name="topicConnectionFactory">TopicConnectionFacto ry</param>
    <param name="queueConnectionFactory">QueueConnectionFacto ry</param>
    <param name="topicName">topic.sample</param>
    <param name="queueName">xxxx</param>

    <!-- JBoss Messaging example configuration -->
    <param name="jmsUrl">jnp://localhost:1099</param>
    <param name="initialContextFactory">org.jnp.interfaces.Na mingContextFactory</param>
    <param name="topicConnectionFactory">ConnectionFactory</param>
    <param name="queueConnectionFactory">ConnectionFactory</param>
    <param name="topicName">topic/stocksTopic</param>
    <param name="queueName">queue/stocksQueue</param>



    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports Lightstreamer.Interfaces.Data
    Imports TIBCO.EMS
    Imports System.Data
    Imports Tva.IO

    Namespace Test.Lightstreamer.Adapters

    Public Class DatawareAdapter
    Implements IMessageListener, IExceptionListener

    Private listener As IItemEventListener
    Private subscribedItems As IDictionary
    Private loggerName As String
    Private logger As LogFile
    Private msgPoolSize As Integer

    Private userName As String = "xxxx"
    Private password As String = "xxxxx"
    Private connection As Connection
    Private session As Session
    Private msgConsumer As MessageConsumer
    Private destination As Destination

    Public Sub DatawareAdapter()

    End Sub

    Public Sub Init(ByVal parameters As System.Collections.IDictionary, ByVal configFile As String)
    loggerName = getParam(parameters, "loggerName", False, "c:\temp\StatusLog.txt")
    logger = New LogFile(loggerName)
    'load EMS connections parameters
    Dim providerURL As String = getParam(parameters, "jmsUrl", True, "")
    Dim topic As String = getParam(parameters, "topicName", True, "")
    Dim queue As String = getParam(parameters, "queueName", True, "")
    'the size of the message pool
    Me.msgPoolSize = getParam(parameters, "msgPoolSize", False, 15)

    logger.AppendLine("Configuration read.")

    Dim factory As ConnectionFactory = New TIBCO.EMS.ConnectionFactory(providerURL)

    connection = factory.CreateConnection(userName, password)

    Session = Connection.CreateSession(False, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
    Connection.ExceptionListener = Me
    destination = session.CreateTopic(topic)

    'msgConsumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)
    Dim topicSubcriber As TopicSubscriber = session.CreateDurableSubscriber(destination, "lightstreamerAdapter")

    topicSubcriber.MessageListener = Me


    logger.AppendLine("EMSAdapter ready.")
    End Sub

    'Public Function IsSnapshotAvailable(ByVal itemName As String) As Boolean Implements Lightstreamer.Interfaces.Data.IDataProvider.IsSnap shotAvailable
    ' If (Not itemName.StartsWith("item")) Then
    ' Throw New SubscriptionException("Unexpected item: " + itemName)
    ' End If
    ' Return True
    'End Function

    Public Sub SetListener(ByVal eventListener As IItemEventListener)
    Me.listener = eventListener
    End Sub

    Public Sub Subscribe(ByVal itemName As String)
    logger.AppendLine("Subscribing to " & itemName)
    If (Not itemName.StartsWith("item")) Then
    Throw New SubscriptionException("Unexpected item: " + itemName)
    End If

    SyncLock (subscribedItems)
    If subscribedItems.Contains(itemName) Then Return
    End SyncLock

    End Sub

    Public Sub Unsubscribe(ByVal itemName As String)
    If (Not itemName.StartsWith("item")) Then
    Throw New SubscriptionException("Unexpected item: " + itemName)
    End If
    SyncLock (subscribedItems)
    If subscribedItems.Contains(itemName) Then Return
    End SyncLock

    End Sub

    Public Sub OnMessage(ByVal message As TIBCO.EMS.Message) Implements TIBCO.EMS.IMessageListener.OnMessage
    Dim dt As New DataTable
    Dim eventData As IDictionary = New Hashtable()
    For Each row As DataRow In GetDataSet(CType(message, TextMessage).Text).Tables(0).Rows

    eventData("PointId") = row("ID")
    eventData("Value") = row("value")
    eventData("TimeTag") = row("TimeTag")

    listener.Update("PointId", eventData, True)

    End Sub

    Public Sub OnException(ByVal exception As TIBCO.EMS.EMSException) Implements TIBCO.EMS.IExceptionListener.OnException
    ' tibcoFeed.feedstop()

    End Sub

    Public Function GetDataSet(ByVal xmlData As String) As DataSet

    Dim dataSet As New DataSet

    Dim xmlReader As System.Xml.XmlTextReader

    xmlReader = New System.Xml.XmlTextReader(xmlData, System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Document, Nothing)


    ' Read the outer XML into the Dataset


    Return dataSet
    End Function

    Private Function getParam(ByVal params As System.Collections.IDictionary, ByVal toGet As String, ByVal required As Boolean, ByVal defaultValue As Integer) As Integer
    Dim resInt As Integer
    Dim res As String = params.Item("toGet").ToString
    If res Is Nothing Then
    If required Then
    Throw New DataProviderException(toGet & "is missing.")
    If Not logger Is Nothing Then
    logger.AppendLine("WARNING:" & toGet & "is missing. Using Default")
    End If
    resInt = defaultValue
    End If
    resInt = Integer.Parse(res)

    Catch ex As Exception
    If Not logger Is Nothing Then
    logger.AppendLine("ERROR:" & toGet & "is not a valid number. Using defualt")
    End If
    resInt = defaultValue
    End Try

    End If

    If Not logger Is Nothing Then
    logger.AppendLine(toGet & "Value is : " & resInt)
    End If

    Return resInt

    End Function
    Private Function getParam(ByVal params As System.Collections.IDictionary, ByVal toGet As String, ByVal required As Boolean, ByVal defaultValue As String) As Integer

    Dim res As String = params.Item("toGet").ToString
    If res Is Nothing Then
    If required Then
    Throw New DataProviderException(toGet & "is missing.")
    If Not logger Is Nothing Then
    logger.AppendLine("WARNING:" & toGet & "is missing. Using Default")
    End If
    res = defaultValue
    End If
    End If

    If Not logger Is Nothing Then
    logger.AppendLine(toGet & "Value is : " & res)
    End If

    Return res

    End Function

    End Class

    End Namespace

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Milan, Italy

    It seems your are using TIBCO AMS, not Lightstreamer directly. Lightstreamer has an OEM agreement with TIBCO Software. Please contact TIBCO for any support regarding TIBCO Ajax Message Service.




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