Dear Gianluca,
Thanks for your reply.
The code is as below:

//this line is for starting connection with lightstramer

- (void) viewDidAppearBOOL)animated{

if (![self isConnected]) {

[self connectWithLightStreamer];



//check ls connection status

- (BOOL) isConnected


return client.connected;


//connect to ls in background

- (void)connectWithLightStreamer


[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(connectInBac kground) withObject:nil];


//connect to ls in background(private method)

- (void) connectInBackground


client = [[LSClient alloc] init];

LSConnectionInfo *connectioninfo = [LSConnectionInfo connectionInfoWithPushServerURL:LIGHTSTREAMER_CONN ECITON_ADDRESS pushServerControlURL:nil user:@"user" password:@"password" adapter:LIGHTSTREAMER_CONNECITON_ADAPTER];

[client openConnectionWithInfo:connectioninfo delegate:self];



- (void) subscribeItemsNSArray *)itemnames andTableKeyLSSubscribedTableKey *)tableKey {

NSLog(@"StockListViewController: Subscribing table...");

@try {

//itemNames is equal to group

//fieldNames is equal to schema

LSExtendedTableInfo *tableInfo= [LSExtendedTableInfo extendedTableInfoWithItems:itemnames mode:LSModeMerge fields:fieldNames dataAdapter:LIGHTSTREAMER_CONNECITON_DATAADAPTER snapshot:YES];

tableInfo.requestedMaxFrequency= 1.0;

tableKey = [client subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:tableInfo delegate:self useCommandLogic:NO];

[self.tableKeys addObject:tableKey];

[self.itemNames addObject:itemnames];

NSLog(@"StockListViewController: Table subscribed");

} @catch (NSException *e) {

NSLog(@"StockListViewController: Table subscription failed due to exception: %@", e);



//unsubscribe items

- (void) unsubscribeItemsLSSubscribedTableKey *)tableKey {

NSLog(@"StockListViewController: Unsubscribing table...");

@try {

[client unsubscribeTable:tableKey];

[self.itemNames removeAllObjects];

NSLog(@"StockListViewController: Table unsubscribed");

} @catch (NSException *e) {

NSLog(@"StockListViewController: Table unsubscription failed due to exception: %@", e);



//clear ls resource(call this method when viewWillDisappear or viewDidDisappear

- (void) clearLightStreamerResource


if (client.connected) {

for (LSSubscribedTableKey *key in self.tableKeys) {

[self unsubscribeItems:key];


[self.tableKeys removeAllObjects];

[client closeConnection];



Sometimes light streamer doesn’t respond when unsubscribing and causes the application stop working or freezing or crash, specifically by poor internet connectivity.
So, I cannot use light streamer in the application with more than one page using light streamer.

Kind Regards,