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  1. #1

    Long/Smart Polling LightStreamer server-side <-> desktop

    Hello LightStreamers,
    Where can I find examples for LONG/SMART-POLLING clients?
    Would be challenging to start from scratch due to specific (excellent!) API.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    We consider the use of smart polling just as the last resort for scenarios in which streaming is not feasible;
    hence, we expect that only Lightstreamer client libraries may decide, upon specific cases, to open a polling session.
    This is why we haven't provided examples of polling client.

    Anyway, forcing polling is admitted and, in fact, any example client can demonstrate a polling client if you modify it order to force the use of a polling session.
    Sticking to the java SDK, this consists in adding one line to the source code of the included example demo and recompiling it.
    To resume:
    • the example is in the DOCS-SDKs\sdk_client_java_se\examples\Swing_StockListDe mo folder;
    • the involved source file is src\javasedemo\swing\;
    • after the creation of the cInfo object and before the use, you should add the following line:
      cInfo.isPolling = true;




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