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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    issue on running Lightstreamer from (external) Tomcat web server

    Hi all,
    We've encountered a problem when we deploy a LS web client app using external web server. (It's similar with the ones that we've read in the forum, but not quite identical).
    It works fine when the app was ran from the LS localhost, but when we try to run the app from a Tomcat server, it's connected but doesn't do anything.
    It accepted the HTTP connection (from the remote computer), reused it, sending some probes in the current session, and finally just closed the HTTP conn.
    No data got through/shown because no item-subscriptions were made.
    (This observation is taken from the log)
    No Javascript "Permission Denied" error and no "ER setLSHost Lightstreamer hostname inconsistent with the domain set" error (We've worked our way out from this "inconsistent domain" error).

    Any ideas?
    Thx in advance.

  2. #2
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy

    what do you mean with "doesn't do anything", you have subscribed some tables but don't you receive any data?

    please could you expand on your configuration?
    1. LS server host
    2. Tomcat host
    3. PushPage/Engine configuration



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