Hi all!!
This is my second time here in the forum. Thanks for your help last time!! but now I have some other issue.

I am trying next;

I am running in my view controller a table which contains items, when I choose one of them, I call a popOver in a different view controller, which is a kind of detail about items. So when I pressed button, I raise my popover and I want to stop or unsubscribe table. Actually I haven't able to do it yet, so I have to put 2 buttons, just for being testing. After that I found for any unknown reason the method subscribe and unsubscribe specifically in this part:

- (void) subscribeItems
more stuffs!!!!
_tableKey= [_client subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:tableInfo delegate:self useCommandLogic:NO]

- (void) unsubscribeItems
more stuffs!!!!
[_client unsubscribeTable:_tableKey];

It took a lot of time to do it and in mean time the app is freeze.

Have you ever seen a behavior like this? Could you try to explain me what is happening here?

Thanks a lot!!