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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Compile error when using DotNetAdapter_N2 from LS version


    I recently updated my LS project from version 3.3.4 build 1289 to the newer 3.4.3 build 1336. After doing so I noticed that my code wasn't compiling correctly and tracked it down to the fact that the path to the DotNetAdapter_N2.dll/DotNetClient_N2.dll had changed. So I updated that path to the new files. After doing so I began to receive compile errors saying: "'Lightstreamer.DotNet.Utils.StringTokenizer' is not accessable due to its protection level" There are other errors that also seem to deal with the 'Lightstreamer.DotNet.Utils.StringTokenizer'. If I replace the new DotNetAdapter_N2.dll (Runtime Version v2.0.50727, Version 1.3.2657.23207) with the old DotNetAdapter_N2.dll (Runtime Version v2.0.50727, Version 1.0.2657.20919), it will compile and it appear to work.

    So my question is; What do I need to do to be able to use the newer DotNetAdapter_N2.dll? What problems could I expect to run into if I continue to use the older DotNetAdapter_N2.dll with the new LS build?

    Thanks for all the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    The .NET library has undergone a couple of revisions since version 1.0
    (please, check the details in the Changelog).
    In particular, the 'Lightstreamer.DotNet.Utils.StringTokenizer' class is no longer exposed in the interface, as it has always been intended for internal use only.
    The sample StockListDemo code, which included a reference to this class, has now been fixed, by including a personal copy of the StringTokenizer class code.
    Hence, you can find this code in
    DOCS-SDKs\sdk_adapter_dotnet\examples\DotNetStockListDe mo\src_metadata_adapter\LiteralBasedProvider.cs
    and copy it in your adapters.

    If you move to the current Server, upgrading DotNetAdapter_N2.dll is recommended, because the Adapter Remoting Interface protocol has been also extended from version 1.0 to version 1.1 in the meantime.
    If you need to temporarily use the old DotNetAdapter_N2.dll, then you must also keep the old version of the Proxy Adapter (i.e. of ls-proxy-adapters.jar).




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