Hi all,

I have a realtime quotation board (stock market data) application using Struts 2. I use Servlet Variables to contain stocks info and I use web service to update these. This mean i develop a client program to read stocks info and call web service of web app to update Servlet Variables Stocks Info.

So, with lightstreamer i do not know how i can use web service for that. anyone helps me, please ??!!

Thanks so much !

Codes in ExternalFeedSimulator.java of StockListDemo sample

private void scheduleGenerator(final MyProducer producer, long waitTime) {
dispatcher.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
long nextWaitTime;
synchronized (producer) {
if (listener != null) {
nextWaitTime = producer.computeNextWaitTime();
scheduleGenerator(producer, nextWaitTime);
}, waitTime);

producer.computeNewValues() method: get new info of stocks. I can use database to store new info and select from. But database is slower updater than i update directly from client program via web service !