When I use AS3, I use: include "lsjavascriptbridge.as" then create
var bridge = new JavaScriptBridge("flashObject") but have a error like that: Method cannot be used as a contructor. Does the...
Type: Posts; User: phamminh05
When I use AS3, I use: include "lsjavascriptbridge.as" then create
var bridge = new JavaScriptBridge("flashObject") but have a error like that: Method cannot be used as a contructor. Does the...
Thanks!I have just fixed. And I have another question as:in Flash/Flex client,does the method look like the sendMessage()(lsengine.js->LightstreamerEngine) ??? I want to send a text message in Flash...
I have a simple example chat demo use Flash like:
The index.html:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
I'm a newbie, I have run the ChatDemo and the Flash_StockListDemo. But now I want to run the ChatDemo use Flash, like the ChatDemo in normal HTML, can you help me? Because when I use ChatDemo in...
Can you give me that ChatDataAdapter.java,please. Because I only see the compiler class file of this java file.