Hi Giuseppe,
I got 502 error when I pointed to your demo server.
2023-10-30 09:01:46,581 DEBUG lightstreamer.stream - HTTP transport connection establishing (oid=1):...
Type: Posts; User: Ike
Hi Giuseppe,
I got 502 error when I pointed to your demo server.
2023-10-30 09:01:46,581 DEBUG lightstreamer.stream - HTTP transport connection establishing (oid=1):...
Also, we did some testing on the LS dotnet client locally. We were able to get it to upgrade to WS.
Problem occurs when we test with the servers in K8s. Locally we're hitting the local LS server...
Hi Giuseppe, we already have JavaScript and Java client that are working fine (streaming WS) against the same server set up, so not sure why it's not working with the.NET client. Anyway, thanks for...
here's the rest of it. again it starts from the bottom.
2023-10-26 12:33:51.027
26.Oct.23 17:33:51,026 <DEBUG> Parsing request on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from xxxxxxx
Hi Giuseppe,
We set the logs on the server side and here is the log. The log starts from the bottom.
2023-10-26 12:33:40.222
26.Oct.23 17:33:40,222 < INFO> Serving request:...
I do have access to LS server side logs.
never ending story of a message com.lightstreamer.client.transport.Http+MyHttpListener - NOOP,sending placeholder data
.:. com.lightstreamer.client.transport.providers.netty.NettyRequestListener -...
findEol - cr: 782 eol:783
never ending story of a message com.lightstreamer.client.transport.Http+MyHttpListener - NOOP,sending placeholder data
sessionStatusChanged 7, 8
Session state change (3): FIRST_PAUSE -> OFF
phasing : 2 - 2
Stop Protocol
Protocol dismissed
ws closing :com.lightstreamer.client.transport.WebSocket
Closing wsc...
Readeable bytes: 113
Start: 0
findEol: 0 <> 113
findEol - cr: 45 eol:46
never ending story of a message com.lightstreamer.client.transport.Http+MyHttpListener -...
... wsHandshakeHandler ...
... add ws pipeline ...
... ws handshake task: 232 - False - False - False
[id: 0x2a2b01d5, [::ffff:]:50962 => [::ffff:]:443] ... wait...
New Lightstreamer Client instanced (library version: Lightstreamer.DotNetStandard.Client 5.1.8)
Server Address value changed to https://myurl
Adapter Set value changed to Futures
Forced Transport...
Hello, I have been running the below c# code snippet with the .net client SDK (version 5.1.0) against our Lightstreamer server version 7.2.2 and I kept getting invalid handshake and the connection...