Hello y'all,
I'm trying to finalize my Lightstreamer lib update. But in my Android project, the onStatusChange returns to me only the CONNECTED:WS-STREAMING. I know from the iOS project that the...
Type: Posts; User: JPedroSG
Hello y'all,
I'm trying to finalize my Lightstreamer lib update. But in my Android project, the onStatusChange returns to me only the CONNECTED:WS-STREAMING. I know from the iOS project that the...
Hello Giuseppe,
Thanks for your answer..
Actually, I noticed that I haven't been so clear. My project is a Android project. I really needed a full example of how Lightstreamer v.4.2.1 would be...
I'm updating my java project from the v.1.0.1 to the v.4.2.1...
First of all, I`ll like to know how is the correct way to update the lib itself. :confused:
Second, is there a "from ->...