I need to display data from multiple adapters on one web page. How do I code this?
Type: Posts; User: sjohn
I need to display data from multiple adapters on one web page. How do I code this?
So what is lightstreamers recommendation for running multiple adapters.
1) Do I need to write standalone launchers for each adapter?
2) What is lightstreamers receommendation for the below...
One small help.My data adapter needs to read the JMS URL , toopic name etc from an external def file . Can you tell me the best way to pass this to the dataadapter from the standalone launcher.
Does server.start actually invoke the init method in the data adapter?
To my custom Dataadapter, I need to pass in some parameters.
So I use Server.AdapterConfig
What is the format for the AdapterConfig file?
Can I use the pass the below XML file to...
I think I figured it out. My log file is now getting created and I see the following messages.
But when it comes to _server.Start(); it is giving me a null reference exception
"reference not...
I have written an adapter that talks to JMS in .NET. As mentioned in the DotNetAdapter.pdf, I created a new project, added the references and wrote an adapater class that implements IdataProvider.
I am new to using ligtstreamer. I have a requirement to connect to read data off TIBCO EMS. Following the example in...
It works now. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
Which doc did you have to read. I am also trying to build a .aspx page and I am getting the error which I posted in the thread "ASP.NET error Please help."
Do yo think you can figure out the reason...
I am a new to lightstreamer. I developing a .ASPX page to receive stream data from JMS.
These are the steps I am following, but I get the error
"ER add Table Cant add table is PusgPage is not...
I add a reference to sdk_adapter_dotnet\lib\dotnet_2.0\DotNetAdapter_N2.dll and then add a
imports Lightstreamer.Interfaces.Data
I am not able to implement the Idataprovider interface.