
Type: Posts; User: DarioCrivelli

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Search: Search took 0.03 seconds; generated 41 minute(s) ago.

  1. Hello, I confirm that the interface for Java...

    Hello, I confirm that the interface for Java Remote Adapters is similar but different from the interface of Java in-process Adapters.
    In fact, the need for communication with the Server via TCP...
  2. Replies

    The only possible explanation for the Server...

    The only possible explanation for the Server exception is that the Data Adapter reused and modified a HashMap already sent through update or smartUpdate, supposedly to issue a subsequent update or...
  3. For 1 and 2 I confirm that the errors reported by...

    For 1 and 2 I confirm that the errors reported by onServerError and onSubscriptionError are related to the lists in appendix A and B, respectively.
    However, some error cases are handled by the...
  4. In the new version, the interface has changed...

    In the new version, the interface has changed significantly. Some notable changes are:
    All the interaction has become asynchronous. As a consequence, all the error conditions are now received only...
  5. Replies

    Do you mean that you have evidence on the client...

    Do you mean that you have evidence on the client side that the session is not closed?
    Or do you want to make sure that the previous session is closed on the server side before opening a new one from...
  6. Replies

    We need to see if and how the request reaches LS...

    We need to see if and how the request reaches LS Server.
    If the Server is under your control, please check the log. The following log configuration is needed:
    LightstreamerLogger.connections at...
  7. To avoid misunderstandings, note that a single...

    To avoid misunderstandings, note that a single server instance can be configured to use multiple adapters, hence there is a 1:1 relationship between Server instances and Remote Adapter instances only...
  8. Replies

    I got the second log from Giuseppe, but this log...

    I got the second log from Giuseppe, but this log is not manageable, as in the 2 hours spanned by the log too many things happen.
    If you can spot

    one of the covered session IDs,
    the time of one...
  9. Replies

    About the first log sent, we can't find any...

    About the first log sent, we can't find any evidence of delays.
    We just compared the timestamps of the log lines which report the new messages received from the Server and the timestamps included in...
  10. I suppose that you refer to the...

    I suppose that you refer to the Lightstreamer-server-side of the adapters (i.e. the Proxy Adapter). Its job is to act as a RPC stub.
    In fact, the Proxy Adapter on one side and LS Remote SDK library...
  11. The remotization offered out-of-the-box by...

    The remotization offered out-of-the-box by Lightstreamer's Adapter Remoting Infrastructure is very simple.
    The Proxy Adapter encodes the requests and the remote SDK library decodes them and invokes...
  12. Replies

    I can't understand what you mean. Even though the...

    I can't understand what you mean. Even though the configuration file is replaced with an external one, it is still found by the Server in the original folder, hence the relative paths included should...
  13. Replies

    The factory configuration file is directly...

    The factory configuration file is directly included in Lightstreamer Server's distribution package, as the file may change slightly with the different versions of the Server.
    If you use one of the...
  14. Replies

    In fact, the setting should...

    In fact, the <forward_cookies> setting should have allowed you to receive the cookies in NotifyUser.
    To check if the request is received by the Server in the same form it is sent by the client, you...
  15. Replies

    If I understand correctly, you would like to try...

    If I understand correctly, you would like to try this in order to have the update packets flow faster and prevent race conditions that would lead to conflation.
    BTW, did you try the experiment with...
  16. Replies

    If #1 and #2 represent the results of subsequent...

    If #1 and #2 represent the results of subsequent read operations, then yes, they have to be joined and you should also wait for a final \r\n.
    The Server internally writes each line as a whole, but...
  17. Replies

    For the general question posed, I just confirm...

    For the general question posed, I just confirm that, when filtering is possible, it is done on a client-by-client basis.
    This, in case of particular race conditions, accounts for different identical...
  18. There are several cases of close forced on the...

    There are several cases of close forced on the server side.
    It may be a close requested via JMX or by the Metadata Adapter or a refusal due to configured exclusion rules.
    Do you see any explanation...
  19. Replies

    In a general scenario, separate items perform...

    In a general scenario, separate items perform better, because it may happen that only part of the 100 items get an update, while others don't.
    In this case, only the updates for items that really...
  20. Replies

    The log shows that there is an underlying...

    The log shows that there is an underlying frequency limit of 3 updates per second due to the license in use.
    This accounts for the suppression of some update when two or more are produced in short...
  21. Replies

    Preventing filtering can have an effect when the...

    Preventing filtering can have an effect when the overall update flow to a client is so huge (or the client/network so slow) that it is impossible that all available updates are processed by the...
  22. Replies

    Sorry; if my reference to "two sessions" raises...

    Sorry; if my reference to "two sessions" raises doubts, then please disregard it and send what you have available.
    What's important is that the subscriptions are included in the log, so that we can...
  23. Replies

    The log snippet includes 5 sessions, whereas I...

    The log snippet includes 5 sessions, whereas I understood that two sessions were enough to exploit the issue.
    This complicates the analysis. Can you please produce a log with only two sessions?...
  24. Replies

    Yes, the client application can set a maximum...

    Yes, the client application can set a maximum frequency on the updates received on an item basis.
    Also the Metadata Adapter can set such a maximum frequency on an item basis, which may further...
  25. Replies

    The only scenario that I can recall is if the...

    The only scenario that I can recall is if the json data in the COMMAND item is much heavier than the field-based data in the MERGE item and the client is very slow at handling the updates.

Results 1 to 25 of 499
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