
Type: Posts; User: nimbusgb

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  1. Sticky: It would appear that this lot does not play well...

    It would appear that this lot does not play well with Eclipse EE edition. Switched to the plain java version and all my challenges went away.
  2. Sticky: A re-install in a different directory and the...

    A re-install in a different directory and the problem has moved a little

    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,027 <DEBUG> Monitoring system started05.Jul.19 16:31:44,027 <DEBUG> Initializing answering system......
  3. Sticky: Although I have had my adaptors and eclipse and...

    Although I have had my adaptors and eclipse and lightstreamer all working previously on my Desktop I have moved everything ( via Mercurial ) to a laptop so I can take advantage of some rare UK...
Results 1 to 3 of 3
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