
Type: Posts; User: Kantor_Lek

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  1. OK, I asked chatGPT and it told me to: pip...

    OK, I asked chatGPT and it told me to:
    pip install cchardet
    - it worked!
  2. Thanks, I did a reinstall and got this:

    Thanks, I did a reinstall and got this:
  3. Thanks for the update, but it doesn't work from...

    Thanks for the update, but it doesn't work from the command line, in Jupyter Notebook, or in Spyder. Would I find out about the new version from github?
  4. Hello and thanks, Anaconda distribution with...

    Hello and thanks,

    Anaconda distribution with Spyder and Command prompt installed.
    Perform a regular pip install of the lightstreamer library through the command prompt in Anaconda.
    In Spyder,...
  5. Lightstreamer in Anaconda Python Distribution

    Hello all,

    I've been just starting to try to use the Lightstreamer client in Python 3.9 in the Spyder IDE, and I get an error on import.

    The only line of code I run is:

Results 1 to 5 of 5
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