
Type: Posts; User: snatarajan

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  1. Working with network team and we have support...

    Working with network team and we have support from TIBCO too.. I will update once we have some more information.

    Can you please let me know the difference between STREAMING and POLLING?

    We have...
  2. Thanks Mone... We will always send heart beat...

    Thanks Mone... We will always send heart beat data to client every 2 sec... So am not sure about what you mean by no data. In my application its happening when on pick time of data flow.. I will...
  3. Thanks Mone... Yes, we are using this for flight...

    Thanks Mone... Yes, we are using this for flight operation...I will look into PDF and get back to you... we have actually used MERGE subscripation mode before DISTINCT.. We had some probleam when...
  4. Thanks for the response. I believe the...

    Thanks for the response. I believe the disconnect() operation will completely disconnect the connection to the Lightstreamer server.
    Actually, we need to reconnect to server automatically without...
  5. Hi, Thanks for the quick response. Please find...


    Thanks for the quick response. Please find the below requested response and other details.

    First we need to understand why the client disconnects, do you have a server log showing both...
  6. Event/message loss when the Light Streamer connection disconnect/reconnect


    I noticed/found, we have event/message loss when the Light Streamer connection was disconnected and then automatically reconnected in browser. We have a two different connection ids at bottom...
Results 1 to 6 of 6
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