Hi Gianluca,
thanks for your help. I was looking for something like that
Type: Posts; User: webfg
Hi Gianluca,
thanks for your help. I was looking for something like that
i would like to configure the length of "hot" and "cold" phases when i get an update, but i can't found anything related to this on iOS Client API
Are there any equivalencies to javascript...
I have a similar problem with FF9: Lightstreamer doesn't work.
In my case, when try to execute pushpage.bind(), the page reloads itself but hangs and i get in the firefox console two errors:
ok, I've done in this way and it seems to work fine.
By the way, you're right with regard to the number of requests. For 35 tables i only have 2 requests.
i have a NonVisualTable and i would like to add/remove items in the table dinamically. Is there any way for doing it? I`ve been searching in the documentation some appropiate method but i...
Ok, then... until you add the new <session> element , how can i limit opened sessions?. In my case, only a max numbers of concurrents users (1000) should can see the updates.; if the user 1001 try...
i've two questions about max number of connections and max number of suscribed items.
i've seen in the configuraction file the <max_clients> element, but i have a doubt....
i would like to know what is the utility of the functions:
They seem to do the same thing: don't change the value of the cell, isn?t it?
Both of...
Thank you.
then, according that post.. the problem would be solved if i change the default port of LS (8080) to 80.
In this way both servers (LS and web) would have the same port.
i'll try...
Hi, i've installed the Lightstreamer server in my local machine and in one development server for testing the examples with the main browsers (IE6+, FF2+, Opera, Chrome, etc...)
In both of the...
i've seeing the examples and trying to modify them for test, and i have a doubt.
I want to do this:
a page with a list of items, but knowing that one of the items must appear twice. (lets...
thank you very much for the explanation.
I've read the documentation and i have a doubt with createEngine and seekEngine.
I understand that createEngine works in the same way that seekEngine if already exists a master push-page with...
ok, fixed.
i dont' understand why, but it works now.
i'm trying to set and user/password for access to the monitor, but i can't make it works.
I've changed de file lighstreamer_conf.xml in this way:
Hello, i'm having the same problem (My OS is Windows Vista.. i don't konw if this can affect)
I`ve downloaded the distribution of Lightstreamer Moderato and i've followed the instructions of...