Thanks for the quick response Dario!
Type: Posts; User: baalbaki
Thanks for the quick response Dario!
Hi Giuseppe,
Can you let me know if this is true? if not, in which case the unsubscription of all active subscriptions is called?
1-If we receive a PushConnException, we will ALWAYS get a...
Hello support.
whenever I shutdown the lightstreamer server in my simulator i get this callback ConnectionListener:: onFailure(PushConnException e) and after that onUnsubscrAll() from...
Updating the client version is not a priority for now, since it's a big task and the basic features we need are there.
Thanks Giuseppe for the help!
Hi Giuseppe, yes its plausible that the client app gets stuck in some way delaying the handling of those events.
What can happen if in my client if onUnsubscrAll events are not called yet and I...
I simulate a disconnect by shutting down the lightstreamer server and the client gets these logs when this happen (look bellow). I have several table AbstractHandyTableListener public void...
Great thanks for the help!
Hi support,
I'm receiving these messages:
16:44:31 Connection stalled
16:44:34onFailure(PushServerException e)
16:44:34 com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException: No data from server
Hi Giuseppe,
Everything worked
1)I've added log4j2.xml and i can see the adapters logs. Note in the lightstream servers packages, you guys are using log4j-api-2.17.0.jar and log4j-core-2.17.0.jar...
Hi Giuseppe,
I've sent logs and some files by email.
I have this adapter where I’ve just renamed the class and is the same as the adapter here...
Hi Giuseppe,
I've tried to see if i use only http requests, and the connection works now.
I will check how to make it work with https later.
Thanks a lot for the help
Hello giuseppe,
So actually I want to listen to https request, so I guess I have to enable ssl and use the port in the config file for that <port ssl="Y">8887</port>. I will look into the doc called...
Hi Giuseppe,
1-I have a firewall on the server im working on that i cant disable so i can't really test the lightstreamer server i'm running with ssltest. Doesnt me telnet localhost 8081 which is...
I cant establish connection from my LS Client java app to the lightream server. i can ping the lightstream server. I suspect it has something to do with the SSL but I have them removed from...