
this error may happen when the adapter sends updates for more items than what the client is expecting from the declared LSExtendedTableInfo. In this particular case, your LSExtendedTableInfo contained just 1 item (i.e. it was initialized with an array of 1 element as first argument) but the client received an update for item n. 2 (which is reported as index 1, as internally they are 0-based).

LSExtendedTableInfo adds the capability to refer to fields by name, and have the item name filled at each table update, but requires a metadata adapter derived by or equivalent to a LiteralBasedProvider (as stated in the docs). You may use an LSTableInfo to avoid the error above, but in that case you cannot refer to fields by name, and the item name argument of table updates will always be nil (i.e. you have to refer to fields and items by position only).

Hope this helps.
Best regards,
