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  1. #1

    subscription.setCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter throwing dataAdapter is not defined err

    I have a commandDataAdapter and a itemDataAdapter.

    I am able to easily subscribe to my commandDataAdapter , but when I add the second level data adapter for my itemDataAdapter I am getting a lineNumber: 2619 columnNumber: 403: dataAdapter is not defined. On the Client Side.

    However, in the server logs the itemDataAdapter is properly loaded, and is not showing any logging around a failed look-up on the server side.

    Log Entry Line: Finished loading Data Adapter MyAppAdapterSet.itemDataAdapter

    I have verified everything is subscribing off the name param set in the adapters.xml for the item data adapter.

    I have simply wrapped GWT functions around the JS Subscribe setCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter/Fields.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    First, please could you exclude that the dataAdapter is a JavaScript variable that has never been declared or declared with some typo (ie some mismatching between Java and JavaScript portion of code)?

    Second, please could you confirm that commandDataAdapter and a itemDataAdapter belong to the same Adapter Set. If this is not the case the issue should be caused by this.

    Otherwise, please could you repeat the test after raising to DEBUG level these logger:

    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.subscriptions" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.requests" level="DEBUG"/>
    and post here a snippet of server log including your subscription?

    Thank you.

  3. #3
    I apologize. I found a copy/paste error in my native setNativeCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter were the data adapter paramater name was not the same variable name as being passed to the JS setCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter... and since I was in native function the compiler didn't catch that I was using a variable name which was never defined.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thank you for the feedback.



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