Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    How to remove Random() function and replace by your code to generating stock data?

    Hi all,
    In StockList demo code, it has Random() function to generation stock data. Now I want to replace with my code by read a file to get stock data, after every 5 seconds it read again.

    There are my code :
    private void OnTimerEvent(object sender)
    ISecurityStructReader reader;
    reader = new ReadSecurityStruct("C:\\TEMP\\BACKUP08\\SECURITY.D AT");

    if (reader.Open())
    arr = reader.Read();
    _stockSymbol = new string[arr.Count];

    for (int i=0; i< arr.Count ;i++)
    Struct_Security item = (Struct_Security)arr[i];
    _stockSymbol[i]= item.StockSymbol;

    --- StockListDemo code, ExternalFeed.cs -----

    public ExternalFeedSimulator() {
    _stockGenerators= new Hashtable();
    _snapshotQueue= new ArrayList();

    _updateTimeMeans = new double [] {30000, 500, 3000, 90000,
    7000, 10000, 3000, 7000,
    7000, 7000, 500, 3000,
    20000, 20000, 20000, 30000,
    500, 3000, 90000, 7000,
    10000, 3000, 7000, 7000,
    7000, 500, 3000, 20000,
    20000, 20000 };

    ------------ and here my changed -------------------

    public ExternalFeedSimulator() {

    _stockGenerators= new Hashtable();
    _snapshotQueue= new ArrayList();

    AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    TimerCallback handler = new TimerCallback(OnTimerEvent);
    Timer timer = new Timer(handler, null, 1000, 5000);


    ---- StockList demo code, ExternalFeed.cs ----
    public void Start() {
    if (_snapshotSender != null) return;

    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    string itemName= "item" + (i + 1);
    ExternalFeedProducer myProducer = new ExternalFeedProducer(itemName,
    _openprices[i], _refprices[i], _minprices[i], _maxprices[i],
    _updateTimeMeans[i], _updateTimeStdDevs[i], _stockNames[i]);

    _stockGenerators[itemName]= myProducer;


    -------- here my changed --------

    public void Start() {

    if (_snapshotSender != null) return;

    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    string itemName= "item" + (i + 1);
    ExternalFeedProducer myProducer = new ExternalFeedProducer(itemName,
    _openprices[i], _refprices[i], _minprices[i], _maxprices[i],
    _stockSymbol[i], _ceiling[i], _floor[i], _bid1[i], _bid2[i], _bid3[i], _bid1vol[i], _bid2vol[i], _bid3vol[i], _ask1[i], _ask2[i], _ask3[i], _ask1vol[1], _ask2vol[i], _ask3vol[i], _last[i], _lastVal[i], _lastVol[i], _projectOpen[i]

    _stockGenerators[itemName]= myProducer;

    ---- StockListDemo code, externalFeed.cs ----

    public ExternalFeedProducer(string name,
    double openPrice, double referPrice, double minPrice, double maxPrice,
    double updateTimeMean, double updateTimeStdDev, string stockName) {
    _itemName = name;
    _open = (int) Math.Round(openPrice * 100);

    _random = new Random();
    _haveNextNextGaussian= false;
    _nextNextGaussian= 0.0;


    ----- Here my changed ------------
    public ExternalFeedProducer(string name,
    double openPrice, double referPrice, double minPrice, double maxPrice,
    string stockSymbol, int ceiling, double floor, int bid1, int bid2, int bid3, int bid1vol, int bid2vol, int bid3vol, int ask1, int ask2, int ask3, int ask1vol, int ask2vol, int ask3vol, int last, double lastVal, int lastVol, int projectOpen) {

    _itemName = name;
    _open = (int) Math.Round(openPrice / 100);
    _refer = (int) Math.Round(referPrice / 100);

    //_random = new Random(); --> remove Random() function here
    //_haveNextNextGaussian= false;
    //_nextNextGaussian= 0.0;



    -------StockListDemo code, ExternalFeed.cs ------
    private void Run() {
    do {
    int waitMillis= ComputeNextWaitTime();

    if (_listener != null)
    _listener.OnEvent(_itemName, GetCurrentValues(false), false);

    } while (true);

    ----- Here my changed -------
    private void Run() {
    do {
    int waitMillis= ComputeNextWaitTime();

    if (_listener != null)
    _listener.OnEvent(_itemName, GetCurrentValues(false), false);

    } while (true);

    Now I start Lightstream server + DotNetServer, first time, it read file is ok, but after 5 seconds, it has error :

    10.Jan.08 10:23:20,656 < INFO> Lightstreamer Server 3.4.6 build 1391 starting...

    10.Jan.08 10:23:20,843 < INFO> Server "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" listening to *
    :8080 ...
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 <FATAL> I/O Exception caught while reading/writing from/t
    o streams: null, aborting...
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.No
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 <FATAL> I/O Exception caught while reading/writing from/t
    o streams: null, aborting...
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.No
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 <ERROR> Failure invoked by Data Adapter
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.No
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 <ERROR> Failure invoked by Data Adapter
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.No
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 <FATAL> Failure in a Data Adapter
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 < INFO> Exiting.....
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 <FATAL> Failure in a Data Adapter
    10.Jan.08 10:23:29,046 < INFO> Exiting.....
    Press any key to continue . . .

    What are my fault? Can you help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The server log shows an unusual termination pattern.
    First of all, the messages are repeated twice. I assume that this is due to something specific to your log4j configuration and that you are not running two Remote Data Adapters.
    Moreover, it seems that the Notification socket is suddenly closed by the Remote Server, but this should not happen normally and there is no clear relation with changes on the Remote Data Adapter side.
    May you please provide more details on the Remote Server life? What can you find on the Remote Server console or on the "DotNetServer.log" log file?


  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Hi Dario,
    There are information in "DotNetServer.log" log file :

    2008-01-12 12:45:39,765 [3248] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server starting...
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,828 [3248] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connecting...
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,843 [3248] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connected
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,859 [3248] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server running
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,906 [2744] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server starting...
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,953 [2744] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connecting...
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,984 [2744] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connected
    2008-01-12 12:45:39,984 [2744] FATAL Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Exception caught while starting the server: Object reference not set to an instance of an object., aborting...
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.Server.Start()
    at Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain.Main(String[] args)
    2008-01-12 12:45:51,250 [1156] ERROR Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.MetadataProviderServer [(null)] - Caught exception: Exception caught while reading from the request stream: Unable to read data from the transport connection.
    Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.RemotingException: Exception caught while reading from the request stream: Unable to read data from the transport connection. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
    at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
    at System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBuffer()
    at System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLine()
    at Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.RequestReply.RequestRe ceiver.Run()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    2008-01-12 12:45:51,359 [1156] FATAL Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.MetadataProviderServer [(null)] - Exception caught while reading/writing from/to streams: 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', aborting...
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
    at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Hi Dario,
    There are information LS server, if i change my code :

    public ExternalFeedSimulator() {

    _stockGenerators= new Hashtable();
    _snapshotQueue= new ArrayList();

    // AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    // TimerCallback handler = new TimerCallback(OnTimerEvent);
    // Timer timer = new Timer(handler, null, 1000, 5000);



    private void OnTimerEvent( )
    ISecurityStructReader reader;
    reader = new ReadSecurityStruct("C:\\TEMP\\BACKUP08\\SECURITY.D AT");

    if (reader.Open())
    arr = reader.Read();
    _stockSymbol = new string[arr.Count];

    for (int i=0; i< arr.Count ;i++)
    Struct_Security item = (Struct_Security)arr[i];
    _stockSymbol[i]= item.StockSymbol;

    ---- LS server information --------------------

    Starting Lightstreamer Server...
    Please check logs for detailed information.
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,125 < INFO> Starting MAC address check
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> Found MAC address 00:50:56:c0:00:08
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> Found MAC address 00:50:56:c0:00:01
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> Found MAC address 00:0f:b0:cd:10:6b
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> Found MAC address 00:18:de:af:ea:7f
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> MAC address check successful
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> License correctly bound with the following parame
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> Client ID : EWmtleTmXioln3OLeXzCL
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,156 < INFO> Mac Address : 00:18:de:af:ea:7f
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,328 < INFO> Lightstreamer Server starting in Moderato edition

    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,359 < WARN> JMX management features not available with the cu
    rrent license
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,390 < INFO> Started HTML Adaptor for JMX on port 6666
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,421 < INFO> Started JMXMP Connector for JMX on port 9999
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,437 < WARN> No users defined for Internal Monitor.
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,453 < INFO> Loading Metadata Provider TUTORIAL_DEMO
    14.Jan.08 14:34:37,468 < INFO> Connecting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:41,406 < INFO> Connected
    14.Jan.08 14:34:41,421 < INFO> Loading Data Provider TUTORIAL_DEMO
    14.Jan.08 14:34:41,421 < INFO> Request sender '#1' starting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:41,421 < INFO> Reply receiver '#1' starting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:41,437 < INFO> Connecting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,828 < INFO> Connected
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,921 < INFO> Pump pool size set by default at 2
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,953 < INFO> Notify receiver '#2' starting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,953 < INFO> Request sender '#2' starting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,953 < INFO> Reply receiver '#2' starting...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,968 < INFO> Events pool size set by default at 2
    14.Jan.08 14:34:50,968 < INFO> Lightstreamer Server 3.4.6 build 1391 starting...

    14.Jan.08 14:34:51,031 < INFO> Server "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" listening to *
    :8080 ...
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,671 < INFO> Accepted HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Se
    rver from
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,703 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/hose.html from 12
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,734 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,765 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/css/table.css fro
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,765 < INFO> Accepted HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Se
    rver from
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,781 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lscommons.js f
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,781 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,796 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,843 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lspushpage.js
    14.Jan.08 14:34:59,859 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,531 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,531 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,578 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsengine.html?
    engineName=Hose&remoteDebug=false& from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,609 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,656 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lscommons.js f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,671 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,703 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsengine.js?13
    28 from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,703 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,781 < INFO> Closed HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,828 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,828 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,828 < INFO> Accepted HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Se
    rver from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,843 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,843 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,843 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,843 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,859 < INFO> Accepted HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Se
    rver from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,875 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,875 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsform.html fr
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,875 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,875 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,875 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:00,890 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:01,171 < INFO> Serving request: /lightstreamer/STREAMING_IN_PROG
    RESS?LS_phase=6802&LS_client_version=4.2&LS_adapte r=TUTORIAL_DEMO& from 127.0.0.
    14.Jan.08 14:35:01,218 <TRACE> Pump for session S-1684810439N1 added
    14.Jan.08 14:35:01,234 < INFO> Starting new session: S-1684810439N1 from 127.0.0
    14.Jan.08 14:35:03,234 <TRACE> Sending probe in session S-1684810439N1
    14.Jan.08 14:35:03,750 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:03,843 < INFO> Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.html?LS_s
    ession=S-1684810439N1&LS_window=0&LS_win_phase=5&LS_op=add& LS_req_phase=42&LS_mo
    de1=MERGE&LS_id1=item1%20item2%20item3%20item4%20i tem5%20item6%20item7%20item8%2
    0item9%20item10%20item11%20item12%20item13%20item1 4%20item15%20item16%20item17%2
    0item18%20item19%20item20%20item21%20item22%20item 23%20item24%20item25%20item26%
    20item27%20item28%20item29%20item30&LS_schema1=las t_price%20time%20pct_change%20
    bid1%20bid2%20bid3%20bid1vol%20bid2vol%20bid3vol%2 0ask1%20ask2%20ask3%20ask1vol%
    20ask2vol%20ask3vol%20min%20max%20ref_price%20open _price%20stock_name%20ceiling%
    20floor%20lastVal%20lastVol%20close_price%20close_ vol&LS_snapshot1=true&LS_reque
    sted_max_frequency1=1&LS_unique=1 from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:03,843 < INFO> Controlling session: S-1684810439N1 from 127.0.0.
    14.Jan.08 14:35:03,906 <TRACE> Pumping event in session S-1684810439N1: c(6,5,0)
    14.Jan.08 14:35:03,906 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:04,109 <TRACE> Pumping event in session S-1684810439N1: z(0,1,3,
    "73","#","-1","72","71","71","85","20","130","72","73","74"," 40","126","297","72
    ","74","74","73","AGF ","77","70.5","363","494","73","494");z(0,1,1,"76" ,"#",
    "-4","76","0","0","77","0","0","78","79","79","40"," 97","115","76","79.5","80","
    76","ABT ","84","76","472","620","76","620");z(0,1,4,"60"," #","-3","0","0","0
    ","0","0","0","61","61","62","40","117","450","60. 5","62","64","60","ALP ","6
    6","60.5","3,930","6,426","60","6,426");z(0,1,2,"8 1","#","-3.5","81","81","0","4
    78","310","0","83","84","84","40","340","80","81.5 ","85","85","82","ACL ","89
    ","81","478","583","81","583");z(0,1,5,"74","# ","-3.5","0","0","0","0","0","0","
    75","77","78","40","100","194","74.5","79","78","7 4","ALT ","81","74.5","179"
    "89","89","40","470","250","88.5","89.5","92","88" ,"ANV ","96","87.5","3,808"
    ","88","89","40","100","160","86.5","90","90","86" ,"BBC ","94","85.5","1,756"
    20","20","21","40","948","642","20.5","21.1","21", "21","BBT ","22","20.3","87
    14.Jan.08 14:35:04,109 <TRACE> Pumping event in session S-1684810439N1: z(0,1,9,
    "43","#","-2.1","43","0","0","325","0","0","45","45","46","40 ","100","100","43.5
    ","44","46","44","BHS ","47","43.4","623","1,428","43","1,428");z(0,1,10 ,"274
    ","#","-14","0","0","0","0","0","0","274","275","277","40" ,"10","14","274","288"
    ,"288","274","BMC ","302","274","4,153","1,483","274","1,483");z(0,1 ,12,"32",
    "#","-1.7","0","0","0","0","0","0","32","35","0","40","1 59","0","32.3","32.4","3
    4","32","BPC ","35","32.3","435","1,345","32","1,345");z(0,1,14 ,"67","#","-2.
    5","0","0","0","0","0","0","67","69","70","40","55 ","130","67.5","70","70","68",
    "BTC ","73","66.5","82","120","67","120");z(0,1,11,"150 ","#","-5","150","149"
    ,"148","91","133","929","152","155","156","40","31 ","135","148","155","155","150
    ","BMP ","162","148","725","483","150","483");z(0,1,17,"4 8","#","0","48","47"
    ,"46","10","100","40","48","48","48","40","30","35 ","48","49","49","0","CLC "
    ,"51","46.6","263","540","49","540");z(0,1,13,"51" ,"#","-2.5","0","0","0","0","0
    ","0","52","53","53","40","232","200","51.5","54", "54","52","BT6 ","56","51.5
    ","660","1,264","51","1,264");z(0,1,15,"24","#","0 ","23","23","23","20","160","1
    70","24","24","25","40","100","307","23.1","24","2 4","24","CAN ","25","22.8",
    14.Jan.08 14:35:04,109 <TRACE> Pumping event in session S-1684810439N1: z(0,1,18
    ,"51","#","-2.5","51","0","0","151","0","0","53","53","54","40 ","172","200","51"
    ,"53.5","54","51","COM ","56","51","482","941","51","941");z(0,1,16,"56", "#",
    "-2","55","0","0","1,915","0","0","56","56","57","40 ","112","1,430","56","57","5
    8","56","CII ","60","55.5","6,343","11,282","56","11,282");z(0, 1,23,"205","#"
    ,"-3","205","204","203","2,037","30","100","206","207 ","208","40","336","385","2
    05","208","208","205","DHG ","218","198","10,317","4,989","205","4,989"); z(0,
    1,21,"23","#","-1","23","0","0","1,226","0","0","24","24","24","40 ","10","82","2
    3.5","24.5","24","24","DCT ","25","23.3","588","2,492","23","2,492");z(0, 1,19
    ,"16","#","-0.7","16","16","0","113","556","0","17","17","17", "40","100","190","
    16.8","17.5","18","17","CYC ","18","16.7","66","390","16","390");z(0,1,22, "50
    ","#","-2","50","49","0","110","1","0","50","51","51","40" ,"840","460","50.5","5
    2","52","50","DHA ","55","49.9","1,176","2,306","50","2,306");z(0,1, 20,"43","
    #","-2.2","43","0","0","700","0","0","44","44","45","40 ","240","418","43.5","45"
    ,"46","44","DCC ","47","43.5","2,074","4,738","43","4,738");
    14.Jan.08 14:35:04,125 <TRACE> Pumping event in session S-1684810439N1: z(0,1,25
    ,"163","#","3","158","157","156","10","250","421", "161","162","163","40","190","
    495","163","163","160","163","DMC ","168","152","1,420","871","163","871");z(
    0,1,27,"35","#","-1.8","35","0","0","25","0","0","36","36","36","40" ,"55","15","
    35","35.6","37","35","DPC ","38","35","409","1,155","35","1,155");z(0,1,24," 5
    3","#","-2.5","0","0","0","0","0","0","54","55","56","40"," 50","70","53.5","54",
    "56","54","DIC ","58","53.5","244","456","53","456");z(0,1,26,"36 ","#","-1.9"
    ,"0","0","0","0","0","0","37","37","39","40","30", "700","36.7","37.5","39","37",
    "DNP ","40","36.7","488","1,318","36","1,318");z(0,1,28 ,"66","#","-2","66","6
    6","65","1,755","10,662","20,032","67","67","68"," 40","4,209","29,885","66.5","6
    9","68","66","DPM ","71","65.5","38,369","56,745","66","56,745");z(0 ,1,29,"79
    ","#","-2","79","78","78","961","201","1,330","79","80","8 0","40","2,117","60","
    79","80.5","81","79","DPR ","85","77","7,637","9,600","79","9,600");z(0,1,30 ,
    "122","#","0","120","0","0","17","0","0","122","12 3","124","40","299","79","122"
    ,"123","122","122","DRC ","128","116","7,132","5,846","122","5,846");
    14.Jan.08 14:35:04,640 < INFO> Serving request: /tutorial_demo/ls/lsblank.html f
    14.Jan.08 14:35:04,640 < INFO> Reused HTTP connection on Lightstreamer HTTP Serv
    er from
    14.Jan.08 14:35:06,125 <TRACE> Sending probe in session S-1684810439N1
    14.Jan.08 14:35:08,125 <TRACE> Sending probe in session S-1684810439N1

    ----- DotNetServer.log --------
    2008-01-14 14:34:39,656 [1512] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server starting...
    2008-01-14 14:34:39,781 [4620] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server starting...
    2008-01-14 14:34:40,796 [1512] WARN Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connection failed, retrying in 10 seconds...
    2008-01-14 14:34:40,812 [4620] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connecting...
    2008-01-14 14:34:41,421 [4620] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connected
    2008-01-14 14:34:42,437 [4620] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server running
    2008-01-14 14:34:50,812 [1512] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connecting...
    2008-01-14 14:34:50,828 [1512] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.NetworkedServerStarter [(null)] - Connected
    2008-01-14 14:34:50,859 [1512] INFO Lightstreamer.DotNet.Server.ServerMain [(null)] - Lightstreamer .NET Adapter Server running


    I'm a beginner, so i don't know how to fix this issue? I'm waiting your response can u help me? If u can, please give me your email, i will send my code to you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I can't see any issue in the log; just a couple of warning messages which should not be important in this case. Note that some "Connection failed" warning in the Remote Adapter log is normal in the startup phase.
    Moreover, the log shows that updates are being sent to the client.
    May you please clarify what is wrong in the demo behaviour at the moment?



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