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Thread: Gwt demo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Gwt demo

    Having trouble to run properly the gwt demo done everything it says on the read me file but only get the page with the logo and text but no autogenerated numbers(the part that conects to the server), also cant debug ,it doesnt stop on break points ,please help me run the demo ,i have the moderato version of the lightstreamer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi ylcoca,

    The scenario you describe, the page load with only the Lighstreamer logo and title/text but no grid with real-time data, is what we expect if you use in the browser a URL like this:
    " :xxxx"

    please note that for correct load of the GWT demo you should remove the query string, eg.

    If this is not your case please can you confirm me if at the top left of the page you can see the Lighstreamer Status widget and what does it displays?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Hello giuseppe

    Yes i have used the url as you said on the reply and have done as it says on the read me file but first of all the status widget doesn't appears ,i have seen on the examples shown on the lightstreamer demos i have downloaded that in should have the status of the server ,im not able to see this ;its like its only loading the html page of the project and it is not able to listen the server ,that is quite weird because the server is runing ,prove of that is that i can see the demos that are default with lightstreamer.thanks

    note:I have not been toying with the server configuration it is as was when downloaded

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi ylcoca,

    in your case it seems that the problem happens before contacting the Lighstreamer server , but the GWT servlet container for some reason can not succeed in running your generated code.

    Have you changed the name of the Java class that implements the GWT EntryPoint (GWT_StockListDemo_Basic)?
    Can you check if in the html file with the layout of the demo, the reference to the compiled module js is correct?
    HTML Code:
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="gwt_stocklistdemo_basic/gwt_stocklistdemo_basic.nocache.js"></script>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Hello giuseppe

    No i have not change the name of the java class and yes the reference to the compiled module js is correct!I also came to conclusion that it is not being connected to the server but don't know why.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi ylcoca,

    I can confirm that from your description we can conclude that the demo stops before contacting the Lightstreamer server. The issue is with the servlet container that fails to execute the GWT code.

    To understand why we should proceed with further investigation:
    - Could you confirm that your servlet container runs under Eclipse?
    - "GWT Compile project" completes successfuly?
    - Which version of the Google plugin is in use?
    - Could you report the contents of the browser console?

    Thank you,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi giuseppe
    here are some things that i hope can help
    Name:  browser_console.jpg
Views: 1752
Size:  44.1 KB
    Compilation result:

    Compiling module gwtdemo.GWT_StockListDemo_Basic
    Validating newly compiled units
    Ignored 71 units with compilation errors in first pass.
    Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
    Computing all possible rebind results for ''
    Checking rule <generate-with class=' orDriverGenerator'/>
    [WARN] Detected warnings related to ' er'. Are validation-api-<version>.jar and validation-api-<version>-sources.jar on the classpath?
    Specify -logLevel DEBUG to see all errors.
    [WARN] Unknown type ' er' specified in deferred binding rule
    Compiling 6 permutations
    Compiling permutation 0...
    Compiling permutation 1...
    Compiling permutation 2...
    Compiling permutation 3...
    Compiling permutation 4...
    Compiling permutation 5...
    Compile of permutations succeeded
    Linking into D:\GWT_StockListDemo\war\gwt_stocklistdemo_basic
    Link succeeded
    Compilation succeeded -- 25.428s
    Compiling module gwtdemo.GWT_StockListDemo_Basic
    Validating newly compiled units
    Ignored 71 units with compilation errors in first pass.
    Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
    Compiling 6 permutations
    Compiling permutation 0...
    Compiling permutation 1...
    Compiling permutation 2...
    Compiling permutation 3...
    Compiling permutation 4...
    Compiling permutation 5...
    Compile of permutations succeeded
    Linking into D:\GWT_StockListDemo\war\gwt_stocklistdemo_basic
    Link succeeded
    Compilation succeeded -- 7.051s

    Name:  version_google.jpg
Views: 1496
Size:  46.5 KB
    Although there is some doubts i have how do i know the lightstremer server for this demo is running ,I think probably I'm not properly starting the server or not setting up things properly to conectem alltogether

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi giuseppe

    Got it to work , I’ll make a quick chronology of what I did from scratch
    I downloaded the Lightstreamer_Moderato_5_1_1_Colosseo_20130305 and I tried first the demo that ask for this :
    get the lib from here:
    <Lightstreamer HOME>\DOCS-SDKs\sdk_client_javascript\alternative_libs\
    and copy the file named lightstreamer_globals.js into the war/lightstreamer
    but never got it to work don’t know why
    then I tried the one that says
    extract the files included in the
    Lightstreamer/DOCS-SDKs/sdk_client_html/lib folder and copy them into the
    war/lightstreamer folder of this project.
    But the Moderatto I had downloaded didnt had the sdk_client_html folder which have some very important js files that are the ones that makes the connection to the server that was why I couldn’t connect to the server ,I finally downloaded that folder and added the files ,started the lightstreamer server ,and voila and it worked!

    Thanks for the help and quick response

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi ylcoca,

    I am pleased that now the demo works.
    I confirm you that the two versions of GWT Stock-List demo refer to two different client libraries for Lightstreamer: one is for the brand new Lightstreamer JavaScript Client API 6.0 supported only by Lightstreamer server 5.0 or newer, the other is for Lightstreamer HTML Client API 5.0 that can run both on Lightstreamer server 4.x or 5.x.
    Since the 4.x server will soon no longer supported it is important that you're running a 5.x version of Lightstreamer server, preferably the latest version 5.1.1.

    However, it is a great pity that you were not able to run the demo with the new JavaScript library for Lightstreamer.
    I just have a doubt about why it not work, when you copied the file lightstreamer_globals.js you should synchronize the name with that referred in GWT_StockListDemo_Basic.html in this row:

    <script src="lightstreamer/lightstreamer.js"></script>

    Anyway, thank you for the feedback.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi giuseppe ,
    That was exactly it I changed the reference of the js file from

    <script src="lightstreamer/lightstreamer.js"></script>
    <script src="lightstreamer/lightstreamer_globals.js"></script>
    and that was it
    Thanks a lot




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