
Please take first a look at this post.
If you want to use aliases instead of item names you must use a SimpleTableInfo object. Then you must listen for updates on your own implementation of SimpleTableListener. This way you don't receive item names on the onUpdate callback but item indexes.

=> So I am a bit confused. It seems as if the client must know all the items it needs to subscribe to and cannot simply specify an alias which would be resolved by the backend and return a dynamic list of items.
This is partially true, since if you want to receive updates with item names you must know them client side and so you can do it via ExtendedTableInfo, btw you can use aliases and receive updates with item indexes via SimpleTableInfo.

=> Also, I could not find a way to know the number of items effectively subscriber by the adapter or meta adapter given an input item which is an alias (List.1 or List.2). I need this to create the right number of table rows in the client gui (java or HTML).
This is also true, if you don't know how many items an alias correspond to, you must create your GUI dinamically adding a new row each time a greater index arrives to the onUpdate callback. Note that indexes always start from 1.

Hope that helps,