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  1. #1

    Unexpected DELETE event for key... event discarded.

    We have a command-based adapter set up with a client subscribing to a list of specific keys. From the server side, we need to be able to tell the client when a key is no longer valid and can/should be removed. We've attempted to accomplish this by having the server send a DELETE command with the key that the client(s) should disregard. The command is making it through the adapter fine, but the L.preprocessor is logging the message in the title as a warning and, not surprisingly, the event is not propagated to the client.

    The question is... under what conditions would a DELETE event for a key be "expected" and passed on? We have verified that the key is actually subscribed by successfully performing an update against the same key.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    The log message means that the delete command received refers to a key that is not present in the internal model of the Item maintained by the Lightstreamer server.
    This means that either the key has never been added or has already been deleted before.
    You should double check that the key is exactly identical to the one provided in a previous ADD event.
    Please also consider that an UPDATE event for a missing key is automatically converted into an ADD event.

    But if not the case, you should reproduce the issue in a test environment, with a limited number of active clients, and activate this log configuration:

    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.subscriptions" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.subscriptions.upd" level="DEBUG"/>

    then please provide us the Lightstremaer server log.


  3. #3

    Thanks for the quick reply. The issue was, in fact, that the key being passed was different than the key contained in the server.




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