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    Question Generic C client over HTTP

    I have a legitimic access to a LS server through a paid account. However, the only access it provides is through a browser.
    I am developing my own C client emulating the HTTP protocol, and following to some extent the (very) obfuscated LS code.
    I'm stuck when I try to access "/lightstreamer/ajax_frame.html?phase=###", which from the source I've deducted that ### is a random number <1000.
    Could you please guide me on the real meaning of this number or any reason I get a 404 error? Are there any requisites (like logging in to the main server, which I've done already), or like sending this ### anywhere else before getting the ajax_frame?
    So far I have wireshark'd the communication and run a phantomjs client (which incidentally, doesn't get the stream either), and in neither case have been able to figure out the significance of this number.
    And maybe, a simpler question would be: what does "end(41)" mean as a response from the server? I get that after "/lightstreamer/STREAMING_IN_PROGRESS?LS_session=", and I don't see it documented.
    Alfredo Meraz
    Last edited by alfredomeraz; January 27th, 2014 at 09:04 PM. Reason: maybe problem is more related with end(41)



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