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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    how the adapter sends a message to a specific client


    * My client app sends a message to the lightstreamer adapter. This message contains the username and password of the client. when the adapter receives the message, it check for this client authentication.
    So i want my adapter able to send a message or data to this client after determining his authentication.

    * I have another question. when the client opens a connection to LS and subscribe for items, Is the connection info and subscribe data as the adapter name,items and fields go over the network encrypted or no that it may be sniffed?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi engcoder,

    * Please note that when creating a new Lightstreamer session, the Client can pass the Server some credential information (two generic strings can be used, conventionally named “user” and “password”).
    The Server validates the credentials against the Metadata Adapter, that throws a specific exception if the validation fails otherwise the Lightstreamer session starts regularly.

    That said, it is not strictly prohibited, start the session without specifying authentication credentials and send them later via a send_message request. In this case your MetaData Adapter,
    in notifyUserMessage method, has the responsibility to bind the session with the specified user and take any required actions in case of authentication failure.

    Now, soon after the connection succeeds (or the send_message succeeds) the way to go is to use a client-specific item upon which push message responses or data.
    Client specific items can be easily handled by exploiting the getItems method: all the clients will create their subscription using the same item name, then the getItems method will customize the item name to make it unique per each client (see the example code in the getItems documentation). After that it will be up to the data adapter (that recive the Item name customized) to send the responses to the correct client;

    * The data are encrypted if you use HTTPS connection. Please note that HTTPS is an optional feature in Lightstreamer Allegro edition and included in the Presto and Vivace editions.




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