Also I was wondering, shouldn´t the onEngineLost of my pushTable be called when this happens? No event is called nor when the connections is dropped or when the connection is restablished.
no that's not strange, the status changes are notified through the LightstreamerEngine's onStatusChange callback:

onEngineLost is called in case the whole engine is lost: e.g.: open our StockListDemo, then click a stock name, a popup will open; now close the main page, and you'll see the popup receiving the onEngineLost callback (the sources of the StockListDemo are included in our distribution)

. At this point the engine successfully reconnects but only the last table added to the pushTable is working.
this is strange and I wasn't able to reproduce it;
please attach a server log taken during the issue (ensure to have the LightstreamerLogger.requests set at least to INFO)