Quote Originally Posted by Mone
well, I'm not an expert on DBs, so that I can't point you to an actual implementation, btw I imagine that as a DB (or a cluster of DBs) knows whenever something changed on its tables, than maybe there are some implementations able to notify a listener every time this happens. I'm just guessing, you should do some research on this.
hi Mone,
not necessarily the DB have to tell to my listener that execute a query to the DB. Could be another Java Class (runs at any time)
eg. LS server is running with my JavaAdapter waiting subscription of Users Web Browsers.
now, at any time, some user (not the same that web browser) execute another JavaClass, when this JavaClass save some data in DB also send a notification to my JavaAdapter (without a subscription) to say that there are new data on the DB.
then my JavaAdapter catch the notification from the another JavaClass and execute a query to the DB, the JavaAdapter do something with the data and send a message to the Web browser.

generally, is there any way to tell my JavaAdapter to do some task from another place(DB, javaclass, etc)??

i hope you understand me now

see you,