We chose to provide suggestions on how to use the various API methods through complete yet short examples.
This is because most methods have to be used in combination with others and it would be difficult for us to clarify the correct context (or the various possible contexts) for each call in a few lines of code.
Could you point us to a public API documentation that you feel as exemplary?

In your case, you have now identified the Basic Portfolio Demo as a starting point and you should now analyze the demo code
to see how data is transferred from the Data Adapter through the Server to the client page
and how the client uses a DynaMetapushTable to display the data.
Then you can refer to the documentation of DynaMetapushTable for the usage details, though for the example usage you have to stick to the demo.
You can also find a general introduction to COMMAND mode in the DOCS-SDKs/General Concepts.pdf document, particularly in paragraph 3.1
For any further aspects that have to be clarified, we are available via forum.

I remind you that, once you have grasped the logics of the COMMAND mode, you can no longer take advantage of the provided demo,
as adapting code from a DB table to COMMAND mode has to be written from scratch.
We may provide you with pseudocode, if needed.