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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Francisco

    Error using newer dotnet adapter library with old LS server

    We're in the process of updating our LS server to the latest version (currently on 5.1.1 build 1623.2), but to do that we need to first update our dotnet adapters to the newer LS adapter library (as the one we were using doesn't work with the new LS server). Because our site can't be down we want to do this in 2 steps where first we update our adapters to the new version, and then subsequently we update our LS servers to the new version. But we're getting errors when using the new adapter library with the older LS server. Errors are:

    13-Jul-19 16:02:11,331|WARN |ghtstreamerLogger.connections.ssl|NIO READ SELECTOR 2 |TLS/SSL read error: Insufficient buffer remaining for AEAD cipher fragment (2). Needs to be more than or equal to IV size (8) + tag size (16) on

    The adapter library we're using is: DotNetAdapter_N2.dll

    I understand that we're running a really old version of LS server, but I can't seem to find any information that indicates that the newer adapter library wouldn't be compatible.

    Even running our adapters with the new adapter library and the new LS server we get these errors:

    15.Jul.19 17:39:20,886 <ERROR> Got fatal error from the inner Proxy Metadata Adapter
    com.lightstreamer.adapters.proxy.RemotingException : Unexpected end of reply stream reached
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.proxy.request_reply.Not
    Caused by: null
    ... 1 common frames omitted
    Last edited by BKnight; July 15th, 2019 at 04:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Dan,

    Indeed, I have to confirm that newer adapter libraries could have compatibility constraints and new libraries may not work properly with older server versions.
    In this specific case, if I understood correctly, you are trying to update to the Lightstreamer .NET Adapter API version 1.11.
    This version is compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure (ARI) since version 1.8 ( which in turn is compatible with Lightstreamer Server since version 7.0 (
    I am aware that is little tricky to got that, I am sorry for that.
    So you should check out every compatibility notes in the ARI changelog ( from your version that is 1.4.3 to the last.

    Having said that, have you tried using your adapters as they are without recompiling and with the old library?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Francisco
    Thanks Giuseppe,

    Looks like we're just going to have to upgrade the server and adapter library at the same time. A little more complicated for us, but doable.

    I've also noticed using the new server and the new adapter library that occasionally we get these (as warnings):

    TLS/SSL read error: closing inbound before receiving peer's close_notify

    Anything to worry about?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Dan,

    This message could be considered harmless if sporadic (for your information we are considering to downgrade this log message to info level).

    But please also consider that with the latest versions of Lightstreamer server the factory configuration of https is more severe with regard of protocols and cipher suites considered by now too weak.
    Please refer to the settings for <remove_cipher_suites> and <remove_protocols> and note that this may be too restrictive for some old user agents.




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