It seems like the server is being rebooted ; since the password I use is dynamic (session related) and the old one is used to reconnect, the following behaviour keeps happening :
2015-03-07 00:40:51.707  INFO 29175 --- [Stream-sense queue] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Retry after reconnection failure
2015-03-07 00:40:51.707 DEBUG 29175 --- [Stream-sense queue] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Connection attempt for - NO CONSTRAINTS
2015-03-07 00:40:51.708  INFO 29175 --- [Stream-sense queue] f.r.ig.common.AbstractStreamingClient    : Connecting
2015-03-07 00:40:51.708 DEBUG 29175 --- [Background connection opening] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Opening new connection
2015-03-07 00:40:51.709 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.session      : Connecting for a new session
2015-03-07 00:40:51.710 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.protocol     : Opening stream connection
2015-03-07 00:40:51.710 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.protocol     : Connection params: {LS_password=XXXXXXXXXXXXX, LS_adapter_set=DEFAULT, LS_content_length=50000000, LS_report_info=true, LS_user=XXXXXXXX}
2015-03-07 00:40:51.710 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121]       : Opening connection to
2015-03-07 00:40:51.817 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.session      : Starting new session
2015-03-07 00:40:51.818 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.actions      : Notifying an exception on the current connection
2015-03-07 00:40:51.818 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-121]       : Closing create connection
2015-03-07 00:40:51.819 DEBUG 29175 --- [Thread-120] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Failed to open new connection
2015-03-07 00:40:51.819  INFO 29175 --- [Thread-120] f.r.ig.common.AbstractStreamingClient    : Disconnected
2015-03-07 00:40:51.819 DEBUG 29175 --- [Stream-sense queue] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Connection attempt unsuccessful for - NO CONSTRAINTS
2015-03-07 00:40:51.819  WARN 29175 --- [Stream-sense queue] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Reconnection attempt failure
2015-03-07 00:40:51.819 DEBUG 29175 --- [Stream-sense queue] com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.connection    : Reconnection attempt failure
com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.ConnectException: User/password check failed
    at com.lightstreamer.ls_proxy.ConnectionHandler$
The problem is that my client doesn't know that it needs to recreate a new password because the only callbacks called are PushStatusListener.onConnecting and PushStatusListener.onDisconnected (highlighted in bold in the previous log).

How could my client find out that the reconnection attempt failure is because of a user/password check failed ?