Hi Giuseppe

I'm using totally OOTB just I'm trying replicate Basic instant messenger adaptor for node based on Node Adaptor for simple chat.

client send what kind of object expectation but i dont know how will I retrieve in adaptor the object definition on node adaptor?

I build up the required object manually but now I have issue for filed update such as

if (!(key in buddyList)) {
buddyList["command"] = command;
buddyList["key"] = key;
buddyList["command"] = command;
buddyList["key"] = key;

if(subscribedbuddylist) {
dataProvider.update(LIST, false, JSON.stringify(buddyList));
console.log("Buddy List :" + JSON.stringify(buddyList));

looks like it is ok but client couldn't retrieve update.

do you have some more detailed documentation?

thanks in advance