
you can check that iStreamLight is still working with recent servers by downloading the project from GitHub. The sample app it contains will connect and stream data from the current demo server at push.lightstreamer.com, a 6.0 alpha3. Consider that it implements just the bare Text Protocol of Lightstreamer, which is public and did not change much in recent years. What is causing your app to crash may be something else.

Is there any particular reason you hesitate to upgrade to the official client? Besides API name changes, the programming model is the same. It still contains iStreamLight under the hood, so you are guaranteed that it will work, and you can have official support.

Getting support for iStreamLight may be difficult. It is an open source project that did not develop an active community, and has long been abandoned. If you have specific issues you may try to post them on its GitHub project issues page or on Stack Overflow using the Lightstreamer tag, but don't expect an immediate answer. As the original author it's me, if you get it it will probably me in my spare time.

Hope this helps.
Best regards,
