Your client subscribes to 2 items, named QCLZ8 and QNGZ8.
Assuming that your Metadata Adapter is a LiteralBasedProvider, your Data Adapter should receive two subscription calls, related to the above two names.

This means that the update flow produced by the Remote Data Adapter should exhibit two kinds of lines, that could be distinguished by:
- the item name (4th field) being either QCLZ8 or QNGZ8;
- the subscription ID (6th field) being either 10000011d63d5f31f (when the item name is QCLZ8) or some other value previously received (when the item name is QNGZ8).

Hence the reported flow is not correct. All the updates listed pertain to QCLZ8 and all updates where the item name is not QCLZ8 are spurious. Yet, the Proxy Adapter does not check for the consistency of the supplied item name and assigns all the updates to QCLZ8, which explains the observer behaviour.