
first of all there is an error in the seekEngine call. You pass to that method a self pointer but you should pass to it a pointer to the master pushpage's window. By the way the library should be able to reach the master pushpage with the name you give (that's correct)
i.e. If the second pushpage is an iframe inside the master one, than you could call

see seekEngine doc for further details.

returning back to your issue I'm confident that is something you should not worry about.
The "unable to find the engine..." alert is a warning message that appears if after some efforts the page wasn't able to bind to the engine. Usually pages showing that alert after a while succed to find their engine and then them receive their data correctly. This issue is due to downloading times.
Is this your case? If it is, just disable the debug alerts on your production environment and everything will be ok.
see http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/cl...sOnClientError

let me know if that's not your case (i.e. pages showing the alert never start streaming) or if you want further clarification.