Hi , you have right
with previous version i use [MERGE] with the scroll table

var scrollTable = new DynaScrollTable(page1Group, stocksSchema,"MERGE");

when i use

var scrollSubscription = new Subscription("MERGE",page1Group,stocksSchema);

<table class="scrollContainer" id="scrollTable1" data-source="lightstreamer" border="1">
<span data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="o_Sym"></span>
<span data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="o_ddeItem"></span>
<span data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="o_Last"></span>
<span data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="o_Bid"></span>
<span data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="o_Ask"></span>

then in a scroll table i get the items but when i get update in a item its not scrolling but is update it in the all ready inserted row
how i can make the new value to scroll on the table and not to update the cell !!??