As you referred to a paragraph of Clustering.pdf that is only present in Lightstreamer Colosseo but are using quite an old version of Lightstreamer, this may create confusion, as some details are different between the two versions.
That said, yes, your can take inspiration on paragraph of the Colosseo version of the document.

In a multihosting scenario, as we know, the PushPage must address the Server with a URL which is consistent with the URL used by the browser to address the page.
This should be an application job, which should not involve Lightstreamer directly.
However, if you are in a clustering scenario and are leveraging the <control_link_address> and/or <control_link_machine_name> to ensure the "stickyness" behavior, then the URL used by the PushPage to address the Server is determined by that setting.
Hence you have no choice but to set the optional <control_link_machine_name>, which overrides <control_link_address>, to ensure that the Server identifies itself in a way consistent with the one used by the client to address it.

Moreover, if your constraint is that only the Load Balancer should be visible from the internet and if you don't use https, so that the Load Balancer is able to route the requests based on the "host" header, then yes, you can refer to the table in paragraph