Upon a crash of the Remote Server, a full recovery by the Proxy Adapter would require:
  • finding a new Remote Server as soon as possible;
  • resubmitting all current subscriptions to the new Remote Server;
  • asking the new Remote Server for the snapshots related to the subscription requests occurred while no Remote Server was attached;

but also:
  • asking the new Remote Server for all the updates occurred while no Remote Server was attached;
  • managing the case in which no new Remote Server can be found after a reasonable time.

Some of these operations are very application-dependent.

Anyway, if forcing a client-side recovery after Remote Server unavailability is not acceptable, our simple remotization framework is of little help and a full messaging middleware should rather be used in order to feed Lightstreamer Server. This would require coding your own Data Adapter also on the java side.

On the other hand, if your main concern is to prevent Lightstreamer Server from exiting in order to preserve other adapters installed, then you may find it acceptable to recover the Remote Server crash by just reconnecting and resubscribing to a new Remote Server and losing all the events occurred in the meantime.
As this is a custom decision that would make the Data Adapter not honouring the interface to Lightstreamer Server, a custom Proxy Data Adapter would again be needed to implement it.
