
Type: Posts; User: CitiMan

Search: Search took 0.02 seconds; generated 20 minute(s) ago.

  1. Forgive me if I misunderstand, but would this...

    Forgive me if I misunderstand, but would this design not mean that multiple instances of the same MetaAdapter would overwrite eachother's stored data provider instance through...
  2. How do I get a reference to the Data Adapter...

    How do I get a reference to the Data Adapter (that is being used by the kernel in conjunction with the MetaDataAdapter, not an arbitrary DataAdapter object) instance inside the MetaAdapter?

  3. Replies

    regarding the sendMessage() js function, can you...

    regarding the sendMessage() js function, can you post some sample server side code that shows how this message is intercepted and passed to the DataAdapter?

  4. changed loadEngine to loadEngineMinimal and added...

    changed loadEngine to loadEngineMinimal and added the startEngine js function to lsPage's onEngineReady event and works fine now :)
  5. I should maybe also point out the only difference...

    I should maybe also point out the only difference I have in architecture is that the index.html and other js/html files are located on a tomcat server (8080) with the lightstreamer server (8081) on...
  6. Adapter name is fine too, set to PORTFOLIO on...

    Adapter name is fine too, set to PORTFOLIO on both lsengine_config.js & in adapters.xml, located in root of /adapters/Portfolio folder on server. rest of the adapters.xml file is:
  7. both calls to setDebugAlertsOnClientError() are...

    both calls to setDebugAlertsOnClientError() are set to true.

    At the moment yes all that happens is the 'Lightstreamer is connecting...' msg. Nothing further.

    I've double checked the...
  8. Thanks for the pointer, no requests coming...

    Thanks for the pointer, no requests coming through apparently, so it must be a javascript problem. But I am using exact same settings as was in the source (\Clients\PortfolioDemo_online) - obviously...
  9. Data Adapter's subscribe() method not getting called

    Hi again

    Using the Porfolio data adapter code as a template, I am trying to create my own feed with sorting, paging etc. But I cannot get a cut down version of the Portfolio Adapter (took out the...
  10. Replies

    DynaMetapushTable server-side code

    Just wondering if it was possible for you to post the server-side code for the example? Having an issue trying to get my own DynaMetapushTable to...
  11. Replies

    Following on this same subject, I would like a...

    Following on this same subject, I would like a search form that once served by the application server, posts it's form data to a Lightstreamer DataAdapter. I am not sure at present how to...
  12. Replies

    Great answers!

    Great answers!
  13. Web server/Lightstreamer dual deployment issue

    I have deployed the static StockListDemo_Frames files on a Tomcat test server and followed steps 1 - 8 for external deployment. When I go to http://<hostname>.<domain>:8080/<appName>/lsindex.html (I...
  14. Replies

    Thanks for your response. Re the update...

    Thanks for your response.

    Re the update fequency issue, I have read the blurb on the launch page too but still do not understand fully. Ok the pop-up window frequency is different from the main...
  15. Replies

    StockListDemo (sync on different windows)


    I am investigating use of your product for potential deployment in my company. I set up the demo app on my local evaluation lightstreamer server and opened 2 windows to view the table updates....
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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